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词汇 open
1. 打开,张开,展开
Open the door, please. 请开门。
She is opening a letter. 她在拆信。
open one's mouth(eyes) 张嘴(睁眼)
Open your dictionary and look up the word. 打开字典,查一查那个词。
He opened his arms to his son. 他向儿子张开双臂。
2. 开始;开业;开放
The police opened an investigation into the case of murder. 警方就凶杀案展开了调查。
He has opened the third branch of his company. 他已经开了第三家分公司了。
The chairman of the board opened a meeting of all stockholders. 董事长召开了一次全体股东大会。
open an account 开户
The private garden has been opened to the public. 那个私家花园已经对公众开放了。
3. 开辟(道路等);使通行
open a new road to the residential area 开一条通向住宅区的新路
4. 泄漏,告知
I opened my mind to him. 我向他表明了心意。
1. 打开,开
The window opened. 窗子打开了。
The roses are opening. 玫瑰花在绽放。
The store opens at 9 a.m. 商店早上9点开门。
2. 开始;开业
The story opens with a murder. 故事从一起凶杀案讲起。
A new shopping center has opened in the next block. 旁边街区新开了一家购物中心。
His new play will open next week. 他的新戏下星期上演。
3. 通向;朝向
The door opens onto the passage. 门通向过道。
Our balcony opens onto a garden. 我们的阳台朝向一个花园。
词组open out
1. (道路等)拓宽
The road opens out beyond the corner. 转过弯去路变宽了。
2. 直言,无拘束地谈
She'll open out when she knows you well. 和你熟了以后,她就会畅所欲言。
3. 展现
A beautiful view opened out before me when the sun rose. 太阳升起来的时候,一片美景展现在我的面前。
4. 张开,展开
He opened out the painting for me. 他为我展开了那幅画。
5. 发展,改善
His business has been opening out since last year. 从去年起他的业务一直在发展。
open up
1. 开发,开辟
The government is opening up the far northwest of the country. 政府在开发大西北。
2. 开办,开张
They decided to open up a restaurant in this block. 他们决定在这个街区开一家餐馆。
3. 打开
open up a suitcase 打开手提箱
Open up! Let me in.” “开门,让我进去。”
4. 提供;成为可能:
A new life opened up before her after she entered the university. 考上大学后,她面临着一种全新的生活。
5. 直言,无拘束地谈:
After hours of grilling the man opened up. 经过几个小时的拷问后,这个男人开始吐露真情。




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