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词汇 保险
1. insurance
人寿(海损)~life (maritime) insurance
你的汽车保了险没有? Is your car insured?
保了火险 have insured against fire
2. safe
骑车太快可不~。 It's not safe to cycle too fast.
你还是带上雨衣吧, ~点儿。 You'd better take your raincoat just to be on the safe side.
3. be sure; be bound to
他明天~会来。 He is sure to come tomorrow.
~能行! It's bound to work.
你依我的话, ~不会出错。 If you follow my advice, then I can assure you that nothing will go wrong.
~代理人 insurance agent~带 safety belt~刀 safety razor~范围 insurance coverage~费 insurance premium~粉 sodium hydrosulphite~杆 bumper bar~杠 bumper (on a car)~公司 insurance company~柜 strongbox; safe~国有化 nationalization of insurance~盒 fuse box~回扣 insurance rebate~机 safety (of a firearm)~金 insurance amount; insurance money~金额 insurance amount~经纪人 insurance broker~客户 policy holder~赔偿金 insurance indemnity~凭证 C/T(certification of insurance)~期 insurance period~契约 contract of insurance~人 the insurer; assurer~丝 fuse; fuse-wire~索赔 insurance claim~弹簧 relief spring~箱 strongbox; safe~证明书 insurance certificate~装置 safety device




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