- ♦ ~现象 something quite unusual
- ♦ 你说~不~? Isn't this strange?
- ♦ 他这个人真~! He's rather odd.
- 1. find sth. strange; wonder at
- ♦ 那有什么可~的? Is that anything to be surprised at?
- 2. blame
- ♦ 不能~他们。 They're not to blame. or It's not their fault.
- ♦ ~我没讲清楚。 I'm to blame for not having made it clearer.
- ♦ ~不好意思的 feel rather embarrassed
- ♦ 箱子~沉的。 The suitcase is rather heavy.
- ♦ 鬼怪