口 - 1. turn from side to side; toss about
- ♦ 他~了好几个钟头才睡着。 He tossed about in bed for hours before he got to sleep.
- 2. do sth. over and over again
- ♦ 徒工把旧机器拆了又安, 安了又拆, ~了好多回。 The young apprentice again and again took the old machine apart and then put it together.
- 3. cause physical or mental suffering; get sb. down
- ♦ 牙疼真~人。 A toothache can get you down.
- 4. spend freely; squander
- ♦ 没多久他就把那份家产~光了。 It didn't take him long to squander away his family fortune.