- ♦ 呼天抢地 另见 qiǎng
- 1. rob; loot
- ♦ ~银行 rob a bank
- 2. snatch; grab
- ♦ 他把信~了过去。 He snatched away the letter.
- 3. vie for; scramble for
- ♦ ~球 scramble for the ball
- ♦ ~干重活 vie with each other for the hardest job
- ♦ 孩子们~着要排第一个。 The children jostled with each other for the first place in line.
- 4. rush
- ♦ 他~步上前接过了客人手上的行李。 He rushed over and took the luggage from his guest's hands
- 5. scrape; scratch
- ♦ 把锅底一~ scrape the bottom of the pot
- ♦ 磨剪子~菜刀 sharpen scissors and kitchen knives
- ♦ 他摔了一跤, 膝盖上~去了一块皮。 He fell and scraped his knee. 另见 qiāng