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1. cry; shout
大~一声 give a loud cry; shout; cry out loudly
汽笛在~。 The steam whistle is blowing.
2. call; greet
外边有人~你。 Somebody outside is calling you.
你的电话~通了。 Your call has been put through.
这孩子腼腆, 不爱~人。 The child is shy and doesn't like to greet people.
3. hire; order
~个出租汽车 hire (or call) a taxi
~二百斤煤 order 200 jin of coal
4. name; call
人们~他小张。 People call him Xiao Zhang.
他~什么名儿? What's his name?
5. ask; order
~他进来吗?Shall I ask him (to come) in?
医生~她卧床休息。 The doctor ordered her to stay in bed.
6. permit; allow
他哥哥不~他去。 His brother did not allow him to go.
(used in a passive sentence to introduce the doer of the action)
~你猜着了。 You've guessed right.
你~雨淋湿了吗?Did you get wet?




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