

词汇 send
send/send/ (sent, sent)
1. 寄发,送出
send sb. a message 给某人捎个信
send an email to sb. 给某人发个电子邮件
I sent him a parcel by air. 我把包裹航空寄给他。
2. 派遣(某人去);差遣;下令
The general sent a troop to the front. 将军派遣一支部队去前线。
send sb. for a doctor 派某人去请医生
The teacher sent all the students home. 老师把所有的学生打发回家了。
Send him to me immediately. 立刻把他叫到我这里来。
3. 安排,使进(学校等)
They are going to send their son to the private university. 他们打算送儿子上那所私立大学。
The principal decided to send me on a short training course. 校长决定送我去接受一个短期培训。
4. (迫)使;使陷入…状态
His address sent me into a laughter. 他的讲话使我发笑。
The news sent the people into a panic. 这个消息使人们陷入了一片恐慌之中。
5. 使(某物)迅速(或猛然)地移动
send a missile 发射导弹
send a blow to sb. 打某人一拳
vi 送信;派人
He sent to remind me to leave at once. 他捎信来提醒我赶快离开。
词组send after 派人去追(或寻找)刚走的人
They sent after me, but I had already left. 他们派人去找我,但是我已经离开了。
send along 派遣;发送
We'll send the goods along to you soon. 我们很快把货物给你送去。
send away
1. 打发某人走;使离开
He was sent away to school at the age of six. 他6岁就被送到学校去念书了。
2. 解雇
He has sent away his servant. 他已经解雇了他的仆人。
send away for 邮购;信函索取
We had sent away for the application forms. 我们已经写信索取申请表格。
send back 送回;退还
The beef had gone bad, so I sent it back. 牛肉已经变质,所以我把它退掉了。
send down
1. 向下发送
The boss sent me down with a letter to you. 老板派我下来给你捎一封信。
2. 使(价格或温度等)下降
Bad news sent the current prices of stocks down. 坏消息使股票行市下跌。
3. 开除,退学
The boy was sent down from school for stealing. 男孩因偷窃被学校开除。
4. 英口 监禁,使坐牢
The criminal was sent down for 30 years. 罪犯被判处30年徒刑。
send for
1. 派人去请;派人去拿
send for a doctor 去请医生
2. 邮购;定购
I've sent for some paper from the store. 我已经从商店订购了一些纸张。
send forth
1. 寄发
They had sent forth a notice to him. 他们已向他发出通知。
2. 发出(声音、气味等)
send forth a laughter 发出一阵笑声
3. 生长出(枝、芽等)
Sprouts sent forth from the twig. 嫩芽从枝头长出。
4. 出版;发行
send in
1. 送来,呈报,提交
I've sent in my application. 我的申请书已经交上去了。
2. 送…参加(比赛或展出)
He sent in two paintings for the exhibition. 他送了两幅画去参展。
It's time to send in the troops. 是派兵的时候了。
send off
1. 寄出;发送
send off a telegram 发电报
2. 为…送行
I sent him off at the railway station. 我到火车站为他送行。
3. 罚(犯规的运动员)出场
The referee sent a player off the field for fouling. 裁判把犯规的球员罚出场。
send on
1. (旅途中)把行李先送到某地
2. 转信,转寄
I'll send on the e-mail that comes for you. 我会把你的电子邮件转发给你。
send out
1. 发(送)出
send out the invitations 发请帖
send out a call for help 发出求救信号
2. 自身散发出(声音、气味等)
send out smoke 冒烟
3. 生长出某物
send out buds 长出芽苞
send out for 派人去买
The boy was sent out for newspapers. 男孩被派去买报纸。
send round
1. 使传阅
send a notice round 传阅通知
2. 发送
They often sent their son round to collect the rent. 他们总是让儿子去收租金。
send up
1. 使…上涨,使上升
The shortage will definitely send prices up.( 货物的)紧缺一定会使价格上涨。
2. 发射,发出
send a missile up 发射导弹
3. 非正式 以模仿取笑(或讽刺)
4. 美口 把某人关进监狱
He was sent up for life. 他被判处终身监禁。




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