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词汇 let
let/let/ (let, let; letting)
1. 允许;让
Her father would not let her go there. 她父亲不许她去那里。
Don't let the fire go out. 不要让火熄灭。
Don't let the dog in. 别让狗进来。
2. [用于第一、第三人称的祈使句]
Let me get the doctor. 让我去叫医生来吧。
Let's go for a walk. 咱们去散散步吧。
Let him try. 让他试试吧。
3. 假设
Let angle ABC be equal to angle CDE. 假设角ABC与角CDE相等。
4. 出租
This apartment has been let to a young couple. 这套公寓已经租给一对年轻夫妇。
vi 出租
This house is to let. 这所房子待租。
词组let alone
1. 更不要说,更不必说
He hasn't enough money for food, let alone amusements. 他连吃饭的钱都不够,更不要说娱乐了。
2. 别管,别干涉,别打扰
The old man gets angry; let him alone. 那位老人生气了,别去惹他。
let be 不干涉,不打扰
I'm busy; let me be. 我很忙,别打扰我。
let down
1. 辜负,使失望
He really let us down by not passing the driving test. 他驾驶考试没有通过,真的很让我们失望。
2. 放下
We let the bucket down by a rope. 我们用一条绳子把桶放了下去。
let down gently 温和对待;留给面子 let go
1. 放开,放手
The dog ran away when she let go the leash. 她一放开皮带狗就跑了。
2. 放弃
He wouldn't let go of his vested interest. 他不会放弃自己的既得利益。
3. 断裂,破裂
The water pipe has let go. 水管已经破了。
4. 射出
He let go an arrow and hit the pheasant. 他一箭射中野鸡。
let in
1. 允许进入
Open the window and let fresh air in. 打开窗子,放些新鲜空气进来。
He opened the door and let me in. 他打开门让我进去。
2. 把…透露给
I don't know who let them in on our plan. 我不知道是谁把我们的计划告诉他们的。
let for 使某人陷入;惹出(麻烦)
He let himself in for trouble by gossiping. 他多嘴而给自己找上麻烦。
let into
1. 允许进入
He let himself into the house. 他进入房子。
2. 让(某人)知道
I'll let you into a secret. 我要告诉你一个秘密。
3. 嵌入,镶入
He let the gas pipes into the wall. 他把煤气管道嵌入墙里。
4. 允许加入
I wish them to let me into the club. 我希望他们让我加入俱乐部。
let me see 让我想一想 let off
1. 开(枪等),使(炸弹)爆炸;燃放(爆竹等)
We let fireworks off during the Spring Festival years ago. 多年前我们在春节期间放花炮。
2. 排放(蒸汽等)
3. 让…下车(或船等)
He let me off at a small town. 他让我在一个小镇下车。
4. 放过,从轻处置,饶恕
I won't let him off easily. 我不会轻易放过他。
She was let off with a fine instead of being sent to prison. 她受到从轻处置,被罚了款,而不是被送进监狱。
let on
1. 泄露秘密
You can trust him. He won't let on to anybody. 你可以信任他,他不会告诉任何人的。
2. 假装
She let on to be happy when at home. 她在家的时候装得很高兴。
let out
1. 放出(水、气等);发出(叫声)
He let out a scream of terror. 他惊恐地尖叫了一声。
2. 泄露(秘密)
Someone has let out our plan. 有人把我们的计划泄露出去了。
3. (把衣服)放宽松
4. 出租(或放出承包)
5. 释放,放出
Let the dog out. 把狗放出来。
6. 解雇
He has been let out. 他被解雇了。
let sb. have it
1. 猛击,痛打
He picked up a stick and let the burglar have it. 他拣起一根棍子向窃贼猛打了一下。
2. 斥责,攻击
The old man got angry and let him have it. 老人生气了,把他批评了一顿。
let sb. through 让…及格
He was not let through in the exam. 他考试没及格。
let up
1. 放松
We let up for a moment at noon. 我们中午休息了一下。
2. (雨、雪等)停止
When will the rain let up? 雨什么时候才能停?

let, permit, allow, admit, authorize, grant



I didn't go, because my mother didn't let me.我没有去,因为我母亲不允许。


The ticket admits two people to the party.这张票允许两个人入场参加晚会。


Smoking is not allowed(或permitted) here.此地禁止吸烟。


The policeman permitted his parking here.警察允许他在这里停车。


The government authorized the construction of a new highway.政府批准新建一条公路。


The captain granted his crew shore leave.船长准许船员上岸放假。





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