

词汇 production
productionpro•duc•tion /prə'dʌkʃ(ə)n/
1. U 生产;产出;制造
The company is famous for the production of small cars. 那家公司以生产小型汽车而闻名。
mass production 批量生产
2. U 产量
Production has increased. 产量增加了。
3. U 产生;发生
white blood cell production 白血球的生成
4. C 艺术作品;电影,戏剧
The theme of his late productions was life and death. 他晚期作品的主题是生与死。
the new Shakespeare production at the Art Theatre 在艺术剧院上演的莎士比亚的新剧目
5. U 出示
Entrance is permitted only on production of a ticket. 出示门票方可入内。
词组make a production (out) of 对…大肆发挥;就…小题大做
When he asks you something, answer him, but don't make a production of it. 他问你什么你就回答什么,不要做不必要的发挥。

product, produce, 这两个词容易混淆实际上product多指工业品或农业加工品,为可数名词;而produce多指农产品,是不可数名词试比较

Our exports of manufactured products are declining.我国的工业产品出口正在下降。

The wine bottle was marked “Produce of Spain”.酒瓶上贴有“西班牙产”的标签。





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