释义 |
油[yóu]名oil; fat; grease; petroleum
- ♦ 摊鸡蛋要多放点~。 You have to put in more oil when making an omelet.
- ♦ 汽车该加~了。 The car's engine is in need of oil.
动apply tung oil, varnish, or paint
- ♦ ~门窗 paint the doors and windows
形- 1. oily; greasy; stained or smeared with oil or grease
- ♦ 这炖肉太~了。 The stewed pork is too greasy.
- ♦ 你的上衣~了。 Your coat has got oil stains on it.
- 2. oily; glib
- ♦ 这家伙嘴~得很。 That fellow has a very glib tongue.
- ♦ 这个人~极了。 That chap is much too slippery (or tricky).
- ♦ 他打麻将打得可~了。 He is an old hand at mahjong.