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词汇 turn
1. 转身;回头
He turned and waved. 他转过身来挥了挥手。
He turned to look at the man who had come in. 他回过头看进来的那人。
2. 转向;改变方向
The car turned abruptly. 那部车突然转弯。
The wind turned to the north. 风向转向了北。
3. 旋转
Everyone knows that the earth turns around the sun. 人人都知道地球绕着太阳旋转。
4. 转变成;转变
Leaves have turned brown in the mountains. 山里的树叶已经变成棕色。
He turned pale when he heard the bad news. 听了这个消息,他的脸变得惨白。
5. 变坏;变酸
The milk has turned. 牛奶变质了。
6. 翻身
I couldn't sleep and turned all night. 我无法入睡,整夜辗转反侧。
7. (注意力或视线)集中;(话题)改变
All his attention turned to pretty young girls. 他把所有的注意力都集中到漂亮姑娘身上。
1. 改变方向;使朝向
He turned his car into a bypath. 他把车子转入小径。
The robber turned his gun on her. 强盗把枪转向她。
2. 把…变成;使…变色
The witch turned the prince into a frog. 女巫把王子变成了青蛙。
The shock turned her hair white overnight. 那次打击使她的头发在一夜之间都变白了。
3. 使旋转;使转动
He turned the wheel right. 他把方向盘转向右方。
She turned the key in the lock. 她转动钥匙开锁。
4. 翻动;翻过来
Mother turned an omelet in a frying pan. 妈妈把煎锅里的鸡蛋翻过来。
He was idly turning the pages of a magazine on a hammock. 他躺在吊床上懒洋洋地翻着杂志。
5. 使变酸
The heat has turned the milk. 暑热使牛奶变酸了。
6. 集中(注意力或视线);改变(话题)
Turn more of your attention to your appearance. 你要更加注意你的仪表。
We turned the conversation away from the unpleasant subject. 我们改变谈话内容,不谈那不愉快的话题了。
7. 超过(时间或年龄)
It has turned six o'clock. 刚刚过了6点。
He has turned thirty. 他已经年过30。
8. 扭伤(脚踝)
He just turned his ankle on the step. 他刚刚在上台阶时扭伤了脚踝。
词组turn about
1. 转身;回头
I had to be turned about to face him. 我不得不转过头来面对他。
2. 转变
He seems to have turned completely about. 他似乎已经完全改变了自己的主张。
3. 反复思考
turn and turn about 轮流地
do the work turn and turn about 轮流做工作
turn aside
1. 闪开;让开
2. 挡开;使无效
3. 拒绝同情
4. 偏离;离开原定途径
Never turn aside from the path of rectitude. 切不可背离正道。
turn away
1. 把…拒之门外
I can't turn her away. She's my brother's child. 我不能把她拒之门外,她是我侄女。
2. 回绝;驱逐;解雇
Our requests were turned away. 我们的要求被拒绝了。
3. 转变方向;转过脸去
She turns away her face. 她把脸转过去。
4. 使偏离;避开
We turned the talk away from football. 我们的话题离开了足球。
5. 拒绝援助
6. 挡开;使无效
7. 走开;离开
I was turning away to another duty. 我正准备去干别的事情。
turn back
1. 使停止向前;折回
He turned back and went home. 他折了回来,回家去了。
2. 翻回到
Turn back to page five, please. 请翻回到第5页。
3. 翻起;折转
4. 改变做法
turn down
1. 向下折转
turn down one's collar 翻下衣领
2. 使颠倒;使朝下
He turned down the cards. 他把纸牌朝下放着。
3. 拒绝
turn down a plan 拒绝一项计划
4. 调小
turn down the radio 把收音机音量调小点
5. 低落,下降
The economy was turning down. 经济日趋衰退。
turn in
1. 拐进去
Turn in at the first street. 在第一条街拐弯进去。
2. 上床睡觉
He usually turns in at 12 o'clock. 他通常12点上床。
3. 上交;交还
My wallet was turned in to the police two days after it was stolen. 我的钱包丢失两天后被交到了警察那里。
4. 调换;折价贴换
5. 检举;出卖
turn oneself in 自首
6. 非正式 放弃;结束
I decided to turn in my job and go abroad. 我决定辞去工作出国。
turn in on (或upon) oneself 与世隔绝 turn inside out
1. 翻过来
He turned his pockets inside out in search of his keys. 为了找钥匙,他把口袋都翻遍了。
2. 彻底检查
turn loose
1. 释放
We turned the rabbit loose in the meadow. 我们把小白兔松开放进草地。
2. 听凭;放纵
You can turn the child loose in the room. 你可以让孩子在房间里随便玩。
3. 开火;发射
turn loose all the big guns 大炮齐发
4. 无拘无束地讲话
turn off
1. 关上
turn off the water 把水关掉
Don't forget to turn off the gas. 别忘了关煤气。
2. 解雇
He was turned off without a penny. 他分文未给地被辞退了。
3. 卖掉
4. 生产;完成
I have turned off a great deal of work. 我已经干了很多活。
5. 绞死
The man was turned off at last. 那个人最后被绞死了。
6. 转弯;分岔
The road to the zoo turns off here. 去动物园的路由此拐弯。
7. 使离开;使退出
Turn that dog off my bed. 把那只狗从我的床上赶下去。
8. 突然收敛
turn off a smile 收敛笑容
9. 回避
I turned off his question with a laugh. 我一笑回避了他的问题。
10. 使失去兴趣
This play turns me off. 这出戏叫我腻烦。
11. 变成
The evening turned off cold. 傍晚转冷了。
turn on
turn on the radio 把收音机打开
2. 开始
They have turned on the supply of food. 他们已经开始提供食物。
3. 开始吸毒
The young man turned on with cocain. 那年轻男子经常吸可卡因提神。
4. 使兴奋
Jazz has never really turned me on. 我听爵士乐从来都兴奋不起来。
5. 突然显出
I turned on the tears. 我一下子流出眼泪来。
turn out
1. 关掉
2. 赶出;解雇;罢免
He was turned out of the classroom yesterday. 昨天他被从课堂里赶了出来。
She was turned out of her job. 她被解雇了。
3. 翻出
She turned out her pockets looking for the key. 她把口袋都翻出来找钥匙。
4. 打扫
We were turning out our house. 我们正在打扫房间。
5. 出动;召集
A vast crowd turned out to watch the procession. 一大群人出来观看列队行进的队伍。
6. 生产;培养出
turn out planes 制造飞机
turn out some first-rate students 培养了一些一流的学生
The university has turned out many diplomats. 这所大学培养出了许多外交家。
7. 打扮;装饰
She turned herself out well. 她把自己打扮得漂漂亮亮的。
8. 结果;结束
The story turns out sadly. 这故事的结局不圆满。
9. 原来是
It turned out that she was a friend of my sister's. 原来,她是我姐姐的朋友。
10. 起床
He turns out at 9a every morning. 他每天早上9点起床。
turn over
1. 滚动;倾覆
The waves turned the boat over. 海浪把船打翻了。
2. 翻过来;翻身
turn over a card 翻牌
turn over in bed 在床上翻身
3. 移交;交托
He turned the business over to his daughter. 他把生意托付给了女儿。
4. 仔细考虑
She kept turning over the events of the day in her mind. 她在心里仔细盘算一天的事情。
5. 转卖;卖出
This style of coats turned over quickly. 这种款式的上衣销得很快。
6. 周转
The supermarket turns over its stock very quickly. 这家超级市场货品周转很快。
7. 营业额达
The company turns over $150 million a year. 公司的年营业额达到1.5亿美元。
8. 改变;改为
The house will be turned over for a garage. 这房子将被改建成车库。
9. 使转动;使发动
turn an engine over 发动引擎
10. 把…逐件翻查
11. 翻阅;翻过去
12. 使感到恶心
13. 翻动;心悸
He was so helpless that my heart turned over with compassion. 他无依无靠,我从心底里产生了同情。
turn round
1. 转身;转方向
Turn round and let me look at your back. 转过身去,让我看看你的背。
2. 好转;倒转
The economy has turned round. 经济好转了。
3. 曲解
They always turned my words round. 他们总是曲解我的话。
4. 改变主意
He seems to have turned round. 他好像已经改变主意了。
5. 非正式 做出努力
turn to
1. 起劲地工作
We turned to and cleaned the house. 我们起劲地干起来,把屋子收拾好。
2. 求助于;查阅
She has nobody to turn to. 她没人帮忙。
turn up
1. 开(或调)大
Turn up the radio. 把收音机开响些。
2. 翻起;挽起
These trousers are too long - they need to be turned up. 裤子太长了,得挽起来一些。
3. 把…翻转过来




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