

1. hard; stiff; tough
~铅笔 a hard pencil
~领 a stiff collar
~刷子 a stiff brush
这根铁丝太~, 弯不动。 The iron wire is too strong to bend.
2. strong; firm; tough; obstinate
心肠~ hardhearted
话说得很~ express oneself in strong terms
~不承认错误 obstinately refuse to admit one's error
~的不行来软的。 When hard tactics failed, soft methods were used.
3. manage to do sth. with difficulty
~充好汉 act the hero
~压住心头怒火 choke down one's anger
~搬别人的经验 copy other people's experience mechanically
4. good (quality); able (person)
货色~ goods of high quality
牌子~ a trademark of high standing; a prestigious trademark




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