

词汇 attach
attachat•tach /ə'tætʃ/
1. 贴;系;连接
Attach a recent photograph to your application form. 在你的申请表上贴一张近照。
2. 使附属;使成为一部分
a document attached to a letter 信中附带一个文件
a bedroom with a bathroom attached 带卫生间的卧室
3. 使依恋
They were attached to the house and hated to move. 他们十分留恋这所房子,舍不得搬家。
4. 附加(条件等)
attach a stipulation to a contract 在合同中附加一项条款
5. 把(过错等)归于
No blame can be attached to you for the incident. 这起事件的责任不应由你承担。
6. 委派;指派
He was attached to the public relations department when he joined the company. 他刚来公司时被派到公关部工作。
vi 附加;归属
A list attaches to the document. 这份文件附带一张表。




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