

词汇 lost
1. 失去的;遗失的
The lost ring was never found. 那只丢失的戒指再也找不到了。
She often recalls her lost youth. 她常回想自己那逝去的青春岁月。
2. 迷路的
They got lost in the heavy mist. 他们在大雾中迷路了。
3. 不知所措的;困惑的
I was lost without your help. 没有你的帮助我不知该怎么办。
4. 错过的;浪费掉的
a lost opportunity 错过的机遇
I'm managing to make up for the lost time. 我试图补回浪费掉的时间。
5. 失败的
a lost game 失败的比赛
词组all is not lost [用作命令] 尚有一线希望 be lost in 沉入,沉湎于
be lost in thought 陷入沉思,想得出神
be lost in wonder 惊异不已
be lost on 对…不起作用;未被…注意;未被…领会(或欣赏)
All my good advice was lost on them. 我的一番好话他们全没听进去。
be lost to 对…漠不关心;不再为…所影响
When he reads he's lost to the world. 他看书时对周围世界浑然不觉。
get lost 非正式[用作命令] 走开




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