- 1. approve
- ♦ 许可
- ♦ 认可
- 2. can; may
- ♦ 这篇文章~长~短, 你看着办吧。 You can make this article either long or short, as you see fit.
- 3. need (doing); be worth (doing)
- ♦ 没有什么~担心的。 There is nothing to worry about.
- 4. fit; suit
- ♦ 可心
- ♦ 可口
- ♦ 文字虽短, ~内容不错。 It's a short piece of writing, but it's meaningful in content.
- ♦ 我嘴里不说, 心里~高兴极啦。 I said nothing, but felt extremely happy inside.
- 1.
口 (used for emphasis) - ♦ 他~没说过这话。 He never said that.
- ♦ 我跑得~不快。 I'm by no means a fast runner.
- ♦ 他汉语说得~好啦!He speaks excellent Chinese.
- 2. (used in a rhetorical question for emphasis)
- ♦ 都这么说, ~谁见过呢?So they say, but who has ever actually seen it? 另见 kè
另见 kě