

词汇 pack
1. 把(物品、行李等)打包,装箱
We have packed all our things. 我们已经把所有的东西都装好了。
2. 把…装入(箱、盒等)
pack the tea into a chest 把茶叶装入茶叶箱
She packed a suitcase with her clothes. 她把衣服装入手提箱。
3. 塞满,挤满
The bus was packed with noisy students. 公共汽车中挤满了吵吵嚷嚷的学生。
The introduction packs a great deal of information into a small space. 短短的序言中包含了大量信息。
4. 压紧,使变结实
He packed sand down with the shovel. 他用铲子把沙土拍实。
5. 把…裹起来,填塞(缝隙等)
Pack this cloth round the picnic dishes so that they won't break. 用这块布把野餐用的盘子包起来以免打破。
pack the leaking joint in a pipe 填塞管子的有漏接头
6. 把(食品)装罐,把(食品)制成罐头
Meat, fish and vegetables are often packed in cans. 肉类、鱼和蔬菜经常被制成罐头。
7. 非正式 经常携带
pack a gun 常带着枪
8. 驮运;使负担
pack supplies up a mountain 把供给品驮运上山
9. 使(雪、土等)堆积一处
The wind packed the snow against the side of the house. 风把雪吹到屋边积了起来。
1. 打包;装箱
2. 适于包装;适于装运
The skirt packs without creasing. 这条裙子可以折叠包装而不起皱。
These small cans will pack well. 这些小罐头装运很方便。
3. 挤,涌
The moment the door was opened, people began to pack into the hall. 门一开,人们就开始涌进大厅。
4. 集成堆;变得结实
5. 托运货物
词组pack away
1. 收拾
All the glass and china was carefully packed away in cases and stored in the basement. 所有的玻璃器皿和瓷器都被小心地收在箱子里,存放在地下室。
He can pack away more food than anyone else I know. 他的食量比我认识的任何人都大。
pack in 非正式
1. 吸引(大批观众等)
The new movie is packing a large audience in. 这部新电影正吸引大量观众。
2. 主英 (因厌烦而)辞职;停止做某事
I didn't like my new job at all and was thinking of packing it in. 我一点也不喜欢这份新工作,正考虑不干了。
3. 非正式 终止(同恋人的)关系
pack it in 停止;放弃
Why don't you pack it in? 你为什么还不停止?
pack off
1. 寄出
I packed these clothes off to my elder sister. 我把这些衣服寄给我姐姐。
2. 非正式 (为避免麻烦)把…打发走
He packed his son off to school. 他把儿子打发去上学了。
3. 匆匆离开
They packed off at dawn. 他们在黎明时分匆匆离开了。
pack up
1. 把…打包;收拾(行李)
He was packing up his clothes. 他正在收拾他的衣服。
2. 非正式 完成工作,收工
As business was slack he packed up early. 由于生意清淡,他早早就收工了。
3. 非正式 停止,结束
pack up smoking 停止抽烟
She packed up her job one month later. 一个月后她放弃了那份工作。
4. 主英非正式 (机器)停止转动,出故障
The engine has packed up. 引擎出故障了。
send sb.packing 突然解雇某人




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